Monday, October 18, 2010

Wedding Madmess Has Set In...

Hello all.

As the big day draws nearer (under two weeks!), I continue to go through a roller-coaster of emotions. Most of them resemble panic, and come from the sheer weight of tasks to be completed. The forms I'll have to fill out! The items that must still be ordered! The pies (did I mention that we're having pies instead of cake?)! THE DRESS!

The dress is coming along really well, and within schedule. I promise I will have many photos very soon! This will likely occur in early November, when I have free time again, and am not considering curling up in the corner with a bottle of Mad Housewife wine and just wearing my robe and pajamas from here on out.

Project deadlines! Can I get a Cathy-style "Ack!" in here?